Posted on August 19, 2020
The Best Gamer Weapon Merch Around
In some of the best games ever made, the weapons that the players are given are sometimes so memorable that they become defining parts of the game. From swords to power suits, weaponry in games takes inspiration from both science fiction and history, meaning that they can often be easily replicated, making them the perfect item to put up on the wall.
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Posted on August 11, 2020
Top Multiplayer Games For 2020
Life has become a little different in 2020, with social distancing and self-isolation becoming a reality for most around the world. The good news is there are plenty of ways you can get together safely with family and friends thanks to technology. Multiplayer games are a great way to connect and have some fun in the process – and there are a lot of them out there to choose from.

Posted on July 27, 2020
What It Takes To Become A Game Developer
While many will continue to say that the golden age of video gaming has long past, many more are convinced that right now is the best era of gaming ever. Despite the many shady practices of companies like Konami and EA, there are countless thousands of games available, and the game development industry has never been easier to get into. Learning how to become a game developer is the dream of many video game lovers around the world, each with their own ideas and visions. Find out what it takes to become a modern game developer, and some tips for succeeding.

Posted on July 22, 2020
The Best Board Games Available For Adults
Traditionally, board games were designed as a way to keep the entire family entertained, which usually included young children. This means that most of the more popular board games tend to be aimed at providing a family friendly experience, and while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes it’s nice to play a board game that has a more mature theme. Fortunately, there is a wide selection of modern, adult board games that are perfect for those people that want to play something that requires a little more thought and imagination that many of the other games found at home.

Posted on July 13, 2020
Red Dead Redemption 2 – The Peak Of Gaming?
Red Dead Redemption 2, created by legendary development studio Rockstar, released on the 26th October 2018. It received near universal acclaim, and went on to become the second biggest entertainment product in history, surpassed only by GTA 5. A game that was, of course, also made by Rockstar.

Posted on June 29, 2020
The Best Video Games For Kids
Screen time may not always be the best thing for children, and yes, you should be trying to limit it as much as possible. However, not all screen time is bad – especially if you have the right things for them to play. There are many games that you can play with your kids, which is a great bonding experience.

Posted on June 22, 2020
The Most Successful Games Ever
The video gaming that we love so much today first became popularised during the 1980s thanks to the release of the Atari 2600 and the Nintendo Entertainment System. These two consoles would change how we spent our free time, and while it took a few decades, gaming has become the world’s number one favourite pastime. In that time, tens of thousands of games have been created and distributed to gamers from across the planet, but only a very small handful of those games were so successful that they became entirely new franchises of their own. These are the most successful games of all time.

Posted on June 15, 2020
Biggest Video Game Failures
Let’s face it, there is something unusually cathartic learning about major financial and creative catastrophes. The pleasure we get is, perhaps, something to do with the fact that we have all experienced some or other failure in our lives, and it helps to remember that at least our failures didn’t land up costing studios tens of millions of dollars.

Posted on June 9, 2020
The Top Selling Board Games
Before there smartphones, consoles, and gaming computers, there were board games. They’ve been around for decades and have entertained hundreds of millions of people across the world, and still do to this day. Board games have become known for their family-friendly fun, allowing people of all ages to join in together to enjoy a game for a few hours. These are the world’s best-selling board games of all time.

Posted on June 2, 2020
What You Need For VR Gaming
Virtual Reality has come a long way since the days of Pygmalion’s Spectacles, the 1935 Sci-Fi short story that essentially predicted the concept of VR head gear. The concept was always a good one, with many iterations happening through the decades. It wasn’t until 2010, however, that things really started to get interesting.